K-12 Learning Solutions

New pedagogy, new types of learning, new community-oriented schools focus, and new learner-focused instruction require new ways to meet student needs and lift outcomes. Schools are expected to serve community needs while giving students primary education- classrooms don’t usually look like the stiff rows of uncomfortable desks we all remember sitting in.

Today’s instructions stress the importance of the learner and the importance of the instructor meeting them at their level and pace. This means creating purposefully designed learning spaces to serve all types of students, from mainstream to neurotypically challenged, with reconfigurable, comfortable, accessible areas. These spaces include equipment that leads to more CTE instruction. Giving the students the equipment they’ll work on throughout their careers while still in school puts them a leg up over traditional learning methods. Let STS EDUCATION help you create a school environment that serves students, staff, and the community while lifting the next generations’ learning outcomes.



what we do

Integrated Learning Spaces

Design a learning space where your students feel served.

Give them options of different seating surfaces and provide amplified sound options and the technological backbone for all those devices.

Tie it all together to make an inviting space for all types of learners.

STS EDUCATION proudly plans, procures, and installs the following K-12 Learning Solutions Environments

Our Learning Solutions

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