

rehab for sick and dirty computers

Computer Wellness

Computers have a lifespan that can be prolonged- with the right wellness program. Maintaining the health and well-being of a device is more cost-effective than letting them get run down. Slow running, malfunctioning, and dead devices hinder learning.

How much healthcare do your computers need?

For the life of your computers

We want to think that computers will last forever, but the reality is that everything has a lifecycle. So while they won’t get handed down from generation to generation, you can get the most out of your investment with proper lifecycle management.

Sometimes the only way to know if a computer is sick is to run the tests. Just like taking a temperature, reading blood pressure, or giving a stress test, we will find the problem if there is an issue.


Cleaning & Decontamination

Everything gets dirty, and computers don’t have a self-cleaning option. Our SuperTechs are surgical when it comes to clearing the cobwebs, destroying the dust, shining the surfaces, and giving it that new computer smell.


Next Level Cleaning – Decontamination

Hearing your computer has a virus is taking on a whole new meaning. We use medical-grade fogging to mitigate the risk of pathogen transmission.


Chrome Conversion

Transform your older PC and Mac computers into Chrome devices with Neverware and their CloudReady solution. Built from the same technology foundation as Chrome OS, CloudReady is the only way to reap all the management benefits of the Google Admin.


Reconditioning & Converting

We’ve perfected the craft of reconditioning computers as first-class education technology. Our 9-step reconditioning process brings new life to older equipment. Plus, if your devices are visibly showing signs of wear and tear, we can even re-skin the exterior of your equipment.


Repairs & Upgrades

A little tweak here, a little tweak there, and next thing you know, it’s as good as new. Whether fixing screens, replacing keyboards, or swapping out hard drives, we will send your computers back with a clean bill of health.

And while we have it open, we can upgrade individual components to make them faster, stronger, or have more memory.


Audit & Inventory Management

Our Computer Wellness Program is positioned to enter the device lifecycle in the fourth stage: Track/Manage. Computers require regular software updates to keep them up to speed. Real-time asset management software like Hayes ensures you know where to find all your devices. It will also help you perform audits to prioritize broken or failing devices.

Research by the University of Arizona found that an average computer has 400 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat.

National Center for Health Research


For the life of your computers

We would like to think that computers will last forever but the reality is everything has a lifecycle. So while they won’t get handled down from generation to generation, you can get the most out of your investment with proper lifecycle management.

Sometimes the only way to know if a computer sick is to run the tests. Just like taking a temperature, reading blood pressure or giving a stress test, if there is an issue, we will find the problem.

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