Chrome Conversion

Chrome Conversion has a significant advantage- the Chrome ecosystem and the cloud. There’s no way to lose documents because they’re not stored locally; they’re stored on remote servers in bomb-proof shelters. Another benefit to Chrome is that you don’t have to upgrade hard drive space as only the OS lives on the local hard drive. Additionally, you can access your files and documents with very low-powered hardware. Only a solid internet connection is needed, and the Chrome device acts more like a terminal for input than anything else.


We take great pride in being an education-focused company.

Need Chrome Conversion? Call Us (866) 499-2580

Stretching limited budgets for Technology

One of the biggest challenges at Schools is stretching limited budgets for technology- the recommended 4 to 6-year device lifecycle simply isn’t realistic for everyone. What does this mean for K-12 Educators? One ramification is that older PCs nearing the end of their useful lives can be converted to “Chromebooks.” They can access the internet and all the programs Google offers to schools, such as Slides, Documents, Sheets, and others. Those PCs are functionally the same as or better than a modern Chromebook since they were likely built with more high-powered hardware than a Chromebook in the first place.

Discover the value of those older devices with a Chrome conversion from STS EDUCATION.

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